Dashboard sending - create and share dashboards with your team

Dashboard sending is the latest addition to NewsWhip Spike. It allows you to create and quickly send a copy of your dashboard to multiple Spike users in your team.

What are the benefits?

With dashboard sending, you can create a dashboard once, and send a copy to every team member where they can add it to their account in a single click. 

You can get new users up and running with the most important dashboards, or get your entire team to focus on a single dashboard for the same topic you're collaborating on together.

While sending dashboards to your team will save everyone time, it also gives you control and consistency for monitoring and measuring.

By creating the Boolean search that cuts out the noise, adding the widgets that give you the best insight, and setting the date and sorting parameters once — you can ensure that your entire team is monitoring in the same way. Giving you peace of mind that the stories that matter are always detected, and nobody wastes time on the stories that don’t.

How to use dashboard sending

Dashboard sending can be found in the top right of your dashboard. Click on the More button to see the option to Send a Copy.

You can select up to 30 Spike users on your team at a time by writing or pasting in their email address.

You also have the option to notify the recipient that you have added a copy of the dashboard to their account. A personal message can be included to explain the purpose of the dashboard. 

Send_Dashboard_GIF.gifYou will be notified in the product that a copy of the dashboard has been sent. If selected, an email will be delivered to all parties. The sender will receive confirmation that the dashboard has been shared. The recipient will receive a notification that a dashboard has been shared with them as well as a direct link to the dashboard in Spike. 


Notes and best practices

Dashboard sending will send a copy of your dashboard, meaning that any change the recipient makes, will not impact your original dashboard. This also means that any changes you make, will not be reflected in the recipients dashboard until you send another copy.

Dashboard sending is available for existing dashboards, as well as any new dashboard that you create.

We suggest that you request any outgoing colleagues to review their dashboards and share any relevant ones with the wider team.

If you have feedback or questions on this new feature, please get in touch with your customer success manager today.

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