Transition to dynamic dashboards

We are excited to be announcing a transition to a more flexible and improved dashboard interface! Please see the details below for each stage:

Stage 1 - Late-May

The first set of experience improvements will include:

Sort options: Dashboards will now feature a sorting drop-down, defaulting to 'Last Opened' for easy access to your most active content, with options to sort alphabetically or by most recently created.

Single search experience: Dashboard tiles now clearly indicate whether they contain single or multiple searches, enabling the creation of individual searches without the need for dashboard naming.

Team search migration: Team searches are now integrated directly into dashboards for a more efficient workflow. Any existing team searches will automatically migrate and become part of the new single search dashboard experience.

Stage 2 - Mid-June

The second update will include:

Search migration: The concluding stage will automate the transition of all searches from the legacy workspace into the new dashboard workspace, replicating the team search migration and establishing a singular hub for creating and viewing searches.

Alerts redirection: All alerts will now lead users directly to the relevant searches within the new dashboard workspace, streamlining access to important updates and enhancing the overall user experience.

Stage 3 - Mid-July

The third and final update will include:

Bulk deletion: To facilitate easier workspace management, the ability to delete dashboards in bulk will be introduced, allowing users to organize, sort, and clean up their searches with greater efficiency.


Why are you making these changes?

Currently, NewsWhip Spike users can create searches in two places: within dashboards, or as a standalone search. We are focused on significantly enhancing the flexibility, features, and performance of our dashboards, while also paving the way for us to deliver new functionality at higher velocity in the months to come.

Once both releases are complete, standalone searches will be deprecated and all new searches will be created in dashboards. This update will ensure maximum continued value for all of our users and lays the groundwork for further enhancements.

Questions and answers

Q: Why do I see so many more dashboards on my NewsWhip Spike homepage?

The additional dashboards on your homepage result from the recent automatic migration of standalone and team searches. Each of these is now a single search dashboard.

Q: Do I need to do anything such as manually move my existing searches?

No, all existing searches will be automatically transitioned as part of the process. You will be able to manually select and bulk delete dashboards after stage 2 of the updates is complete.

Q: Will my existing alerts still work after the transition?

Yes, all existing alerts will continue to function as they do now. However, after stage 2, they will direct you to the relevant searches within the new dashboard workspace instead of the previous workspace.

Q: Is it possible to opt out of the transition?

No, this is not possible. These updates are part of our ongoing efforts to improve the user experience and deliver new functionality more rapidly. While we understand that change can be challenging, we believe the enhanced dashboards will provide significant benefits to all users.

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