Bookmarking in NewsWhip

What is a bookmark

A bookmark is a way of saving an article or post of interest to come back to later.

How to bookmark 

When you come across an article or post that you wish to bookmark, click the three dots in the bottom right corner and select ‘bookmark article’.

They will then save the content as a bookmark for later use.

Viewing saved bookmarks 

To access your saved bookmarks, go to the menu bar on the left-hand side and click bookmarks.


This will take you to a list view of every article or post you have bookmarked.


Exporting bookmarks

You can export your bookmarks in the same way you would do for data from a feed widget. To do this, from within the saved bookmarks view, click ‘export bookmarks’ in the top right of the screen. This will give you the option to export in a .CSV format, a .PDF, or a JSON file.

You can also click 'Copy' and this will copy formatted text to your clipboard that can be pasted into any document, email client, or instant messaging client you might be using. The text contains article details and interaction data. 




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