Compare Websites Reports

The Website Analysis Report compares the publication of your choice to the others in your “Compare Websites” dashboard.

From the “Compare Websites” dashboard, select the Report option from the toolbar at the top of the screen. You will be prompted to select the primary domain for the report. Choose the domain you would like to use as the basis for comparison and click “Create Report”.


Publication Breakdown

Highlighted at the top of the report is the total engagement of the domain with breakdowns for Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn engagements as well as the average engagement per story and total number of stories published.




Top Stories

This section features the headlines and total engagement of the top 10 most engaged stories for the specified time period.



Performance Breakdown

This section includes charts comparing all domains on both average and total engagements for the specified time period. Rankings for publication performance include Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn engagements.

Example of Facebook breakdown:


Competitor Performance

The last section of the report displays the top 20 stories across all domains listed in order of total engagement.



How do I update the date range for the report?

Click on the date range in the upper right corner of the report. Use one of the filters in the drop-down or select a custom date range from the calendar. Click on “Apply Date Range” to update the report. 



Click on the “Share” icon in the upper right of the platform to send yourself, and any additional recipients, a PDF of the report. The recipients do not need access to the Analytics platform to receive a report. An optional message can be included here as well.


Scheduled Reporting

Receive the report on a scheduled frequency by selecting the “Schedule Report” icon in the upper right of the platform. In this section, you can change the name of the report as well as the primary domain. Enter in recipient emails and any messaging. Select the frequency for report delivery (daily, weekly, monthly) as well as the time. Click “Save” to schedule the report.






The delivery status will be located on the screen above the report. Click “Edit Report” to update or pause the delivery.

NOTE: The “Scheduled Report” frequency will determine the date range of the delivered report. For example, selecting “weekly” will send data for the last week only.


How do I update my time zone?

When scheduling a report, the time zone setting is displayed under your frequency selection. To change the time zone, click back to the “Domains” section of the dashboard and then “Edit Dashboard”. At the bottom of the form you can select a new time zone and click “Update Dashboard”.




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